Giving Tuesday Support from the Peloton #BooCrew!

Tuesday morning, I received a message from Tyler Wilton Moses, admin of the Peloton #BooCrew! He said the #BooCrew would match up to $1,000 in donations to our 501c3 Non-Profit on Giving Tuesday!!!!

As you know, our Non-Profit performs research, interrogation and presentation of lesser known stories of the African-American experience.

By the end of the day, you all donated a total of $3,546!!! The #BooCrew matched $1,000 of it, so we raised a grand total of $4,546!!!

I'm overwhelmed with emotion. I truly appreciate everyone who has supported our non-profit!!! Special shout out to the Haus of #BooCrew! Thank you so much!!!

To learn more about the #BooCrew, visit their Facebook page at

P.S...Shout out to my partners Tammy Lynne and Danielle Verwey for agreeing to join Erica and I on this journey. Shout out to Peloton for establishing this amazingly supportive community. And shout out to my beautiful wife Erica for being my rock for 34 years, serving as my core support. I love you.

John Mills

Originally from San Diego, John Mills is a technologist by trade, but an equity advocate and independent scholar by passion. The descendant of both southern and northern enslaved, John focuses on unearthing little known people and stories of this country’s history in slavery and the transatlantic slave trade. John presents research through the lens and perspective of a descendant, with intent to inspire understanding and empathy, a means to inspire good, God fearing people, now armed with information, to look into whether they may be unwittingly aligning to biases resulting from the reverberating effects of a past time. John is a member of the Connecticut Freedom Trail and a member of the Webb Deane Stevens Museum Council. John is also working with an international team funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) in an effort to deliver transformational impact on digital methods in cultural institutions...a means to decolonize museums. Finally, John is working with the state of Connecticut, business leaders and scholars in Middletown, CT to honor and memorialize a former enslaved individual by the name of Prince Mortimer.

We Discover Philip Mortimer Enslaved At Least 37 Individuals


Business Owners Approve Placement Of Prince Mortimer Trail Marker On Their Property!