Grace Robinson
In 1837, James Mars, a former slave and abolitionist, was approached by other abolitionists; asked to sign a court petition to free Nancy Jackson, a slave brought from Georgia by James Bullock, grandfather of Theodore Roosevelt.
Connecticut was a free state. Slaves born after March 1st, 1784 were free once they turned age 25.
The Bullock family was only here to visit James Bullock’s son who was here in Connecticut while in College, but while here, Mr. Bullock’s wife went into labor, causing her to remain here longer than expected.
Nancy Jackson was brought here with the Bullock family to be "Mammy" to their newborn in the event she was born while they were here, which occurred…Martha (Theodore Roosevelt’s Mother) was born while the family was in Connecticut. As "Mammy", Nancy Johnson was charged with nursing and caring for Martha.
On plans to take Nancy back to Georgia, she fled, just as James Mars’ family did 4 decades prior. James signed the petition at the offices of William Ellsworth, the same attorney who represented Prudence Crandall 4 years prior. Ultimately, Nancy’s case was won and she was freed.
Returning to Georgia, Martha was raised at the Bulloch mansion. Mr. Bulloch used another slave as "Mammy" to Martha. Her name was Grace Robinson, shown in a 1905 photo with President Roosevelt at Bulloch Hall, long after slavery had ended, yet still working in similar capacity.
My plan is to do further research into the life and times of Ms. Grace Robinson.