We Have a New Logo
Last week, in viewing our non-profit corporation logo, a friend said:
“Is this your wife’s silhouette? Curious about the back story!"
I explained that it wasn't any particular person, just a generic image meant to represent the plight of the American enslaved. It was meant to highlight the largely unsung leadership role the African-American woman has always played, which is why I intentionally depicted the woman as leading. It’s in dark shades to represent the difficult in finding and seeing who they were due to lack of documentation.
The more I thought about the question of my friend, the more I thought it would make much more sense to make the silhouettes actual people. What an opportunity to add to the symbolism with real individuals having their own alignment and backstory.
Therefore, I've changed the logo. It's now the actual silhouettes of my wife Erica and I. Erica has been the voice of reason for our family for 34 years, saving me more than I can count...so it aligns in more ways than one.
I truly hope you all like the new logo. Please feel free to leave a comment or send me a message with your thoughts.